Of course, if you want to go back to look through the old blog, it’s still there. BUT I wanted to freshen the site up a bit, so here we have the new blog site! I’ve found that with our photo sessions, the easiest way to share our work is through the blog. It’s a great way to get some photos posted quickly for clients to see and also a great way to share our latest work with everyone else!
For those of you who may be new to Stehvn Tesar Photography…here is a little bit about us. Stehvn and Kelly work together to run the photography business…working with seniors, families, weddings, and newborns in the greater Boise area. Though Stehvn and Kelly both take photos and work on post-processing of the images, Stehvn is the one that clicks the majority of the photos while Kelly is the one that does most of the behind the scenes work…editing, scheduling, business work, etc. We work together to ensure you get the best possible images and experience.
Posts on this blog will be written by both Stehvn and Kelly…so check the bottom of each post to see who’s talking! If you see babies, weddings, or girly comments, it may be pretty obvious who the author is, though!
Thanks for stopping by the new blog and if you would like to receive email updates related to our blog posts, you can subscribe by entering your email address on the left hand side of the page.

Very nice!