This was my (Kelly) first trip to the family cabin in Colorado and all I can say is gorgeous!! It was so great to spend some time with the Tesar/Ellingson clan…our time together is far too few and far between since they all live in Florida. Wish the trip could have lasted a bit longer…we’re already missing everyone! We had the chance to experience fall and winter while we were there…which was a bit of a change of pace from the lingering summer that we’ve been having. The fall colors on the aspens were just gorgeous and one morning we woke up to about 6 inches of snow…so we had some fun doing some snow photos, as well. Yes, we’re dorky enough to set up the tri-pod to take some snow photos of ourselves! We couldn’t lure the Floridians too far from the warm fire in the cabin. Haha. Our niece Brooke had some fun with her first snow experience, though! We took advantage of the beautiful scenery (and the fact that we were all in the same place at the same time) and got some great family photos, but those are for another day. For now, here are a few of the other photos that we got over the weekend.
The aspens were golden! Gorgeous!
Brookie with Uncle Stehvn! At the rate she’s going she may someday match him in height!
Coming down the hill from the cabin…this is the town of Ouray nestled among the mountains. Love it!
Isn’t the reflection in the glassy lake just gorgeous?!
More fun with the reflection!
Stehvn was jealous of how great Danielle‘s glitter photo turned out…so he wanted one of his own!

Kelly those are some gorgeous photos! I especially like the one at the top with the aspens mingled in with the snowy mountain and trees! Looks like you decided to make a few color spots in a black and white photo.
Wow! The area around the cabin has never looked so beautiful – thanks to your professional photography. Jerry ans I are delighted that you enjoyed the cabin so much.
Tanna – That’s the first thing I thought when I looked at the photo I’d taken! But it was just straight out of camera that way. Ha.
And, Robbie, we loved it! Everything was gorgeous and we were able to experience fall and a taste of winter while we were there! It was great to see the whole crew even for a short time!
Love the natiral beauty you all caught of the scenery as well as the family. We are FL friends & hope to experience your camera work next time you are down. Love the pics of Brooke 🙂