I typically shoot newborns utilizing natural light…but learning the art of studio light is something that I’ve wanted to do for a while to make myself more flexible and well-rounded as a photographer. Practicing on my poor cat only goes so far…so to take this a step further I called on tiny Miss Sophie…master of newborn modeling! Some may not be able to see the difference in these images from my typical style…but it’s there! For the non-photographers out there…I’m curious if you can tell a difference from my usual style of photos and these…leave me a comment and let me know what you think! I still have a few things to tweak with my studio lighting methods…but this isn’t a bad start if you ask me! And my model…just beautiful! Her hair…and her skin…simply a gorgeous baby!
If you’d like to see more photos from Sophie’s newborn session, click HERE to view a slideshow of images.