I admit it…I love a good read! In this crazy busy life a good book is just the right escape and chance to relax and take a time out from work, editing photos, and everything else that goes into a photo business! I’m always looking for a good book rec…and friends are always asking me about what I’ve been reading…so I’ve decided to start a series of posts dedicated to these! I’m hoping that those of you who read will find a nugget in what I write…and likewise, I hope you share with me some great books! For this first post, I’m just going to share my favorites that I’ve read so far this year (can you believe that we’re already 2/3 of the way through 2011?!)
Anyone that knows me knows that I’m a sucker for young adult book series with cult followings (Harry Potter and Twilight, anyone?). Well, The Hunger Games is no exception! I was instantly sucked into the storyline and became far more attached to the characters than I ought to admit! I actually read the trilogy quite some time ago, but have to share because I loved them so much! Stehvn got used to falling asleep with the lights on while I was reading these books and I found myself sneaking a peek at my Kindle app on my iPhone throughout the day. I’m now looking forward to the movies! And with the LAST movies of both the Harry Potter series and Twilight coming up soon, I’ll be needing my fix!
Written from the perspective of 5 year old Jack, this book had me captivated from the get-go. The unique, vivid, and colorful voice that Donoghue creates in Jack truly makes it hard to set this book down! I totally loved this book and highly recommend it!
This book is seriously a must read. For anyone. Of any age. I think this is one of my favorites. Ever. Set in Nazi Germany and narrated by Death, this book can be heartbreaking at times, but the unique friends that Liesel made along the way, as well as the small pleasures that she finds in things such as her book collection that she continues to build by stealing books is sure to leave anyone captivated. I don’t even know how to adequately describe the way this book made me feel. It was just so beautifully written with a plot line that keeps the pages turning and….yes, I’ll admint it….I cried like a baby at the end.
How is it that some of the best books are set in the WWII era?? I’m seeing a bit of a trend here. This one is set just after WWII and is comprised of letters back and forth between an author (Juliet), her editor, and the friends that she has made along the way in covering the stories surrounding the war. Through research for her next piece, Juliet makes new friends and finds a new lease on life on the island of Guernsey. Though a little predictable, the characters and interactions really made this book enjoyable to read!
I love Krauss’s style of writing! From the wonderful development of the characters, to the unique style of jumping between storylines…she definitely kept me wanting more! Each storyline in itself have characters that are vividly created…and when they all come together at the end the result is wonderful! After reading this book, I quickly picked up another of her novels, The Great House, which did not disappoint! I’ll admit that some of the story lines in The Great House were better than others, but overall I really enjoyed it!
THE GOOD EARTH | Pearl S. Buck
Ok…so this book didn’t win the Pulitzer Prize for nothing. Definitely a timeless classic. I think most people have at least heard of this book, so I won’t go into too much detail, but suffice it to say that I thought it was wonderfully written and a great read for just about anyone!
THE GLASS CASTLE | Jeanette Walls
Jeanette’s memoir of her years growing up had me rolling my eyes, yet smiling…and feeling sad, amused, thoughtful, disgusted and inevitably inspired. As I read through this memoir I couldn’t help but think what a great reality TV show could have come from her life. I definitely came away from this book feeling a little more insight into a different side of society! If you like memoirs or are at all interested in sociology…this book is for you!
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT | Fyodor Dostoevsky
I actually first read this book back in high school and it was instantly my favorite book! I rarely (or more like never) do this, but I re-read it earlier this year. And it was just as good the second time around! [possibly because the book is really that good, and possibly because I don’t retain information very well…so after 9 years it all seemed somewhat new again….I’ll let you decide which] This book has a great storyline on the surface level…and if you want to delve deeper there is tons of symbolism and all the other good stuff that great writers are made of! You can judge me all you want, but for some reason I just can’t help but think of Bohemian Rhapsody when I think of this book.
Seriously…if you have any book suggestions, I would love to hear them! Please comment!! I have a few lined up that I’ve been wanting to read for a while, but always looking for new ones!