I’m really not sure where to begin when writing this blog but this had to be one of the most interesting individuals I have ever taken photos for. I guess I could really sum up this session in three words….entertaining and fun. It was not until this year when he enrolled as my TA that I really started to get to know Jake. He is an all-around athlete, great student, and is very energetic. But what really separates Jake from the rest is his ability to randomly do something which brings laughter to people in times when you least expect it. For example; I could be quietly grading papers at my desk during my prep period when all of a sudden Jake comes sliding in on his belly wearing one of those full-body footie pajama suits. Though there are numerous other situations I could share I’ll just leave it at the pajama story. There is no doubt he is an individual that sees the glass half full. But in all honesty Jake is an awesome individual and the school will be missing one of its finest students come Fall of next year. I hope you enjoy looking at some of the photos I’ve posted during the session AND there is no way I was going to leave out the goofy ones. Please take notice of the first photo. I did take Jake’s older brother’s photos a few years ago and we decided to copy one them. I’m thinking when you compare them you might find a little difference between the two. Anyway, thanks Jake for the laughs and the very fun session!