Anyone that knows Justin knows that this post wouldn’t be complete without mention of bird hunting. And since he brought his trusty partner in crime, Lilly, along to the session, we have to talk about it! PLUS I’m going to go out on a limb and say that if it weren’t for Justin’s avid (borderline obsessive or creepy) love for bird hunting he and Courtney may never have met. You see, Justin & Courtney met when they were both in law school in South Dakota. What does that have to do with bird hunting? Well, Courtney had reasons much like any other for choosing South Dakota for law school…but Justin chose it simply because it’s the best bird hunting in the country. Of course.
OK…that was a little bit of a tangent…now onto the photos. Thanks again, Justin and Courtney! I loved meeting you, Courtney! Enjoy every bit of your engagement!
If you’d like to see more of Justin & Courtney’s engagement photos, click HERE to view a slideshow.