We were so excited to have the Ellingsons here for Easter! The three cousins had a great time hunting Easter eggs .
Well, we waited about a month longer than we should have…and had a very uncooperative subject…but we finally attempted some maternity family photos. The goal? One family photo or just some candid family photos of the three of us before we are a family of four. The reality? Finley throwing rocks in the river, walking…
Don’t let this big smile fool you…this photo almost didn’t happen. After talking about the ‘hop’ the whole way to the mall and excitedly running to see him…once we walked up to the front he was terrifying. She wouldn’t let aunt Tay or I even hold her anywhere near him. We tried talking about it,…
Outfit 1 | Sweater | Dress | Bunny Shoes | Bunny Ears | Hat | Straw Tote Outfit 2 | Sweater | Dress | Bunny Ears (similar) | Bunny Shoes | Silver Shoes | Hat | Straw Tote