Christmas Day 2016

Santa showed up and filled our stockings and left a few other big ticket items out for the kiddos…Finley had a balance bike & new flannel sheets waiting for her when she woke up and Teagan had some bath toys and a silicone eating mat!  And of course…Finley found her one Santa request in her stocking…Zootopia!  We had to open it right away and put it in the DVD player that morning!  She has had a small Zootopia obsession going since she had a dance party with the fox and bunny at Disney World!december-2016-web-sized-4500

Teagan had a new sled waiting under the tree for her from grammy & papa!  [and this moose was Finley’s early Christmas gift from grammy since she liked grammy’s moose so much!]


Spellbound with Zootopia on Christmas morning:december-2016-web-sized-4505

Reading her new Llama Llama book that she got from Mac in the Cada kiddo Christmas exchange.



Her antibiotics that she’s on for her ear infections has caused blowouts like no other…this is her third pajama change of the morning!  One change and bath when we first got up for a blowout and now another pajama change after covering herself in grammy’s creamed turkey for breakfast!





Finley tried on her goofy kitty outfit from aunt Jenny…we made her wear it coming down the stairs to re-enact the scene from A Christmas Story with the pink bunny suit.

december-2016-web-sized-4527december-2016-web-sized-4528december-2016-web-sized-4530december-2016-web-sized-4534december-2016-web-sized-4535Teagan got the arm bar from Finley a few times this morning for getting a little too curious about her new toys!

december-2016-web-sized-4536Moana was a big hit for Finley!  We took her to the theater to see it last week (her first movie in the theater) and she has been talking about it and singing the song from it since then!  Mom  & Dad got her a Moana set complete with her boat that projects the stars on to the wall.  We had to act out the entire movie!december-2016-web-sized-4539




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