Finley | 5 Months Old

It’s amazing how much more interactive she is each day at this age!  Just days after turning 4 months old she mastered rolling from her back to her tummy.  Though she had figured out how to roll from her tummy to her back at 3 months old (and supposedly this is easier than the other), she can’t seem to figure that one out anymore!  She’ll roll from her back to tummy, play on her tummy for a while, but then get frustrated that she is stuck that way!

Firsts & Favorites:

Rolled Over (from back to front) |  March 25

First Road Trip | to Bend, OR for a wedding…all of those people were a little bit too much to handle!

First day at her new daycare: Advantage Early Learning Center

Squeals when excited.

Plays in her Baby Einstein jumper.

Loves carrots.

Still loves her feet and looking at herself in the mirror.

Photo taken with Easter Bunny at the mall.

Lifted feet to take two ‘steps’ while Aunt Judy was holding her hands.

Turns circles in her crib each night/morning and sometimes gets feet stuck between slats.

Still prefers to be carried on walks instead of sitting in stroller [and still hates the sun].

Entertains herself in the crib each morning for about 30 minutes before she rolls over and gets stuck on her tummy.

First Easter at Grandma’s house with the Cada family.



5 month stats:

Length |  26.5 inches (95%)

Weight | 17 lb 6 oz (88%)

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