Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, let me introduce you to Tyler. I sound like a broken record by saying this but Tyler was a student of mine when he was a sophomore. As a teacher I have over 150 in my class each year. Out of those 150 students there is always a small handful that you always remain close to throughout their high school years and Tyler is one of them. We share a common interest when it comes to fire fighting. His family has a lot of experience in the fire-fighting world and hopefully we may have the possibility of being on the same crew in the future. However he maybe too good for us engine slugs. Also next fall he is headed north to attend the University of Idaho, which will give us something else to bond about. Not only is he such an outstanding person, he officially is the first hippie I have ever taken photos of. If you look up the definition of ‘green’, you will find his name. So it makes me happy that our photo business is diverse and appealing to all. Thanks for everything you have done over the past few years Tyler and maybe I’ll consider buying a Subaru Outback with a kayak on top just for you.
If you’d like to see more photos from Tyler’s senior session, click HERE to view a slideshow.