Planning a simple bustle with one button? Or possibly an elaborate 7-point bustle that requires a road map? Either way…if you’re going to be dancing and mingling and don’t want to worry about your train, chances are that you’re going to need to bustle that dress! It’s something that is very simple in theory…and overly complicated in practice! Everything needs to line up…and often the bustle is done in a hurry after the ceremony. My best advice? Take someone along to your final fitting that is going to be there to help you on the wedding day. Whether you take your maid of honor or just a good friend that is going to be close by on the wedding day…you’ll be glad you have someone that has seen the bustle and knows what they are doing! I’ve personally bustled countless dresses…all from simple one-points to the full seven! If things get complicated and an extra set of hands is needed I’m always there to help!
I’ve had brides ask if they should opt for a simple bustle simply for the ease of things. If that’s what you want and that’s what works best for your dress, that’s great! However…if you like the look of the seven-point I’d say to go for it! The gorgeous look will be well-worth the extra few minutes it will take on the wedding day!