Category Archives: Baby Milestones

Finley | 8 Months Old

Each month that we do these photos gets harder and harder!  No sitting and smiling for the camera…but I love it because it is so her!  And that’s what these monthly photos are supposed to be about…capturing how much she has grown each month and the budding personality (and she has lots of that) that…

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Finley | 6 Months Old

 Firsts & Favorites: First Tooth | May 4 (and the second came 3 days later) Likes to sleep on her side and stomach. Loves carrots, squash and sweet potatoes.  Peas are ok.  Green beans aren’t so great unless they are mixed with pears. Loves to pet Tito (and by pet I mean grab on and…

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Finley | 5 Months Old

It’s amazing how much more interactive she is each day at this age!  Just days after turning 4 months old she mastered rolling from her back to her tummy.  Though she had figured out how to roll from her tummy to her back at 3 months old (and supposedly this is easier than the other),…

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Finley’s baptism was led by Deacon Jerry Pera at Holy Apostles Catholic Church.  Traditionally, baptisms are not performed in the church during Lent, but since there is nothing in Canon law that states that they cannot be performed, Deacon Pera agreed to make an exception for Finley since this is the only time that both…

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